
Must be dreaming

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Frou Frou – Must be dreaming

Pay close attention
Don't listen to me from now
George'll be flying this one
And it's anyone's guess how he does this
Is the right turn wrong
Universe taking me in full bloom
Fireball careful with that there
See what you made me do

I must be dreaming
Or we're onto something
I must be dreaming
For i don't fall in love lawlessly
I must be dreaming
Or pinch me to waking
So one day I'll be yours
As long as i'm losing it so completely

Incendiary glance
Be come and collide in me
Zoom in enhance hold
While i go helplessly sky high
Magic eye sugar rushing don't stop

I must be dreaming
Or we're onto something
Hey just watcha make me
For i don't fall in love lawlessly
I must be dreaming
Or pinch me to waking
So one day I'll be yours
As long as i'm losing it so completely

Euphoria i can't take any more of
Yah i'm losing it

*ni videonya sering bikin masalah, tapi lagunya bagus. Iseng2 googling liriknya eh ternyata nemu juga
**mbak ti, aku nemu liriknya lhooo....


TiaR IndaH said...


Dyah Chantique said...

Waaa, aq udah nemu liriknya dari dulu lo Din, kok ga minta aq aja.
Malah udah donlot anime-nya tp cm smpe episode 4 :p
Keren lagunya, pas bgt sm anime-nya.
Hmm... 1 cowok di antara 2 cewek powerful, kira2 endingnya gmn yaa? ^^
Klo aq, mending sm yg rambut panjang, lebih chantique sih (kayak aq) hihihihi...

Dyah Chantique said...

Btw, itu divx no index yg sering mnimbulkan problem2 seputar repeat & repeat AB yaaa -_-
Tp versi yg ini lbh panjang drpd punya mbak tiar :D

dindun said...

huwaaaaaa... mbak chan kau ternyata punya animenya to?
pinjem.... :D