
Little Baghdad

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Beberapa minggu yang lalu, diajakin temen buat wisata kuliner. Ini wisata kuliner kesekian kalinya bagi saya. Kali ini wisata kuliner-nya tertuju pada Little Baghdad. Semacem resto/cafe yang masakannya bertema arab, terletak di daerah kemang. 
Ke sana janjian berangkat bareng sama 1 temen, taunya... pas saya nyampek tempat janjian sesuai dengan waktunya, eh... dia baru bangun tidur -_-"

Bagaimana caranya ke sana klo dari cikarang? Pertama2 naek bus dari Cikarang ke Blok M (petunjuk lengkap ke Blok M ada di sini), sampek di terminal Blok M naiklah bis kopaja 605A menuju kemang tapi... dikarenakan kita nunggu bisnya lama, berubah haluan jadi naek taksi :D Kita naek taksi turun di McD Kemang. Sebenernya kita bisa langsung turun di Little Baghdad, tapi karena sesuatu hal jadinya kita turun di McD Kemang, trus niatnya dari situ jalan kaki. Eh... ternyata hujan deras disertai angin. Akhirnya bukalah si gps dari hape, trus naek taksi lagi ke Little Baghdadnya yang cuman berjarak tidak lebih dari 200m dari McD itu. =))

  Little Baghdad

Kesan pertama di Little Baghdad, tempatnya remang-remang trus ada bau-bauan semacam aroma terapi mungkin ya. Di tembok pas naik tangga, ada berbagai macam karikaturnya Saddam Husein. Menu makanannya bisa dibaca di webnya sendiri, meskipun ada beberapa yang ga ada di web. Di situ saya memesan Nasi Kebuli (Main Course), Honey Mint Tea (Beverage) sama Orange Crush (Dessert). 

Nasi Kebuli

Orange Crunch

IMG018 Honey Mint Tea, lihatlah seberapa banyak itu daun mint T.T

Menurut saya.... Nasi Kebulinya lumayan sih, cumaaaan.... karena banyak rempah2nya saya pun dengan tidak sengaja memakan cengkeh yang merupakan salah satu bumbu rempahnya. T.T Dasarnya ga suka cengkeh, jadilah nasi kebuli saya berasa nasi cengkeh. Yang selanjutnya minuman, Honey Mint Tea, yak... rasanya miiiint banget jadi semacem mouthwash klo kata elly, klo kata saya sih kek pasta gigi. Tapi meskipun rasanya aneh, abis minum itu enak sih di perut, apalagi dingin-dingin abis hujan gitu, anget rasanya. :D Dan yang ketiga, Orange crushnya enak. Ice cream vanila yang dikasih sirup jeruk yang ditaroh di atas crepes kering.

ini para-para pemakannya :D

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can’t login to twitter using android?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fiuh… dimulai kemaren, tiba2 si tweetcaster ga bisa update twitter timeline. Langsung otak-atik hape, mulai dari restart hape berkali, tetep ga bisa update timeline. Nyoba login ke twitter officialnya android, eh malah username sama passwordnya invalid. >.<
Berpikir positif, mungkin jaringannya jelek. Dicoba2 hari ini tetep ga bisa, padahal pake website bisa. Googling2 eh nemu forum ini, dimana dia bilang klo twitter ada masalah di OAuth supportnya. Jadi… solusinya, carilah aplikasi twitter yang ga support OAuth. Klo dari forum, dia bilang pake twicca tapi aku coba install Seesmic ternyata bisa sodara2. Dan memang si seesmic ini ga nyimpen password dan ga support OAuth. Jreng… jreng… problem solved. :D
Akhirnya bisa nge-tweet lagi #pentingbanget :))

james blunt – stay the night

song of the day…. menemani hari OT dan bulan april yang menyenangkan. yohohohohoho…. :D


James Blunt - Stay The Night

Wooooah, Wooooah, Wooooahh, hey!
It's 72 degrees, zero chance of rain
It's been a perfect day
We're all spinning on our heels, so far away from real
In Californ-i-a

We watched the sunset from our car, we all took it in
And by the time that it was dark, you and me had
something, yeah!

And if this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold
We're shining bright and I want you, I want you to know
The morning's on it's way, our friends all say goodbye
There's nowhere else to go, I hope that you'll stay the night

Wooooah, you'll stay the night, wooooah yeah

We've been singing Billie Jean
Mixing vodka with caffeine
We've got strangers stopping by
And though you're out of tune
Girl you blow my mind, you do
And all I'll say is I don't wanna say good night

There's no quiet corner to get to know each other
And there's no hurry I'm a patient man
As you'll discover

Cause if this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold
We're shining bright and I want you, I want you to know
The mornin's on it's way, our friends all say goodbye
There's nowhere else to go, I hope that you'll stay the night

wooooah, you'll stay the night, wooooah yeah

Just like the song on our radio set
We'll share the shelter of my single bed
But it's a different tune that's stuck in my head
And it goes...

If this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold
We're shining bright and I want you, I want you to know
The mornin's on it's way, our friends all say goodbye
There's nowhere else to go, I hope that you'll stay the night

If this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold
We're shining bright and I want you, I want you to know
The mornin's on it's way, our friends all say goodbye
There's nowhere else to go, I hope that you'll stay the night

[march] movies vs books

Friday, April 1, 2011

yaaaay… bulan maret udah lewat, april is comiiiiing :D dan mari melihat ke belakang, buku dan pelm2 apa saja yang sudah saya tonton.

buku: - *teteeeep males baca buku, tapi baca komik jalan teruuus :D
pelm: Merlin Season 2 ep2-13 (finished) Season 3 Finish,  White Collar (14,15,16),
         Supernatural Season 3 ep13-16 Season 4 ep01-08,
         Monster house, Life as we know it, Tangled

hmmm… ternyata si series banyak juga yang ditonton. okeeeh… mari lanjutkan si supernatural :D

The Saturdays - Higher

Monday, March 28, 2011

Song of the day, Higher from The Saturdays.


The Saturdays – Higher

Im doing nothing
Cause at least im doing nothing wrong
And im gonna stay here on my own and turn up my telephone
If nothings gained nothings won
And you can tell them
Yeah you can say whatever i dont care eh
Then if you wanna play it cool i got news for you its getting hotter hotter in here

So when i speak listen this is my decision and you keep on messing up the words
So when i speak listen cause you keep on pushing like i need permission to be heard
Im gonna lift to lift it higher
Im gonna lift to lift it higher
So when i speak listen this is my decision and you keep on messing up the words

Im getting closer closer im moving nearer and nearer and i think you know
Cause i am sick of playing games and im not gonna say no names but you will know who to blame
So you can tell yeah you can go ahead pull a straight
Cause i am innocent myself and i dont not need your help im gonna do this do right

So when i speak listen this is my decision and you keep on messing up the words
So when i speak listen cause you keep on pushing like i need permission to be heard
Im gonna lift to lift it higher
Im gonna lift to lift it higher

So when i speak listen this is my decision and you keep on messing up the words
Im gonna lift to lift it (When you go higher i go higher)
Im gonna lift to lift it (Yeah you can try but i go higher)
Im gonna lift to lift it (The only thing boy you can do is listen so listen)

So when i speak listen this is my decision and you keep on messing up the words
So when i speak listen cause you keep on pushing like i need permission to be heard
Im gonna lift to lift it higher
Im gonna lift to lift it higher
So when i speak listen this is my decision and you keep on messing up the words